Updating older images

05th August 2013
I'm reprocessing my older images with Registax 6. Images dating back a few years were processed by Registax v5 or v4 and often with single point alignment. Registax 6 gives final images that are sharper over a much wider field. The atmosphere can distort otherwise sharp frames - sometimes it looks like regular waves rolling across the face of the Moon. The effect is more pronounced in red light vs IR and so with the older software, the IR images often looked sharper. As Registax 6 addresses this type of distortion really well, I have now found that processed red light images in particular have been improved and are usually better than images captured in IR.


Photo comment By Blažek Milan: Dear Mr. Andrew Bray, my name is Milan Blažek and I am a zealous amateur astronomer from Prague. I try to promote beauties of a lunar surface (mainly by means of drawings) in the Czech Republic. I would like to kindly ask you for a permission to make a drawing (by a dotting method) of some of your amazing pictures. I sometimes publish my drawings in amateur astronomical booklets and display them on Czech public observatories. I do this just for a popularization of the Moon, thus without a clam for any fee. I can cite your authorship of an original picture by my drawing when you wish so. Thank you very much for your permission. Best regards Milan Blažek

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