Southern Globular Clusters now posted
13th August 2015
Back in 2013 I imaged over 30 globular clusters that are visible from my back yard, i.e. 37.5° South. I posted a few on but most sat on the hard drive. I finally set aside a few evenings and finished the processing, with a faster computer now, and have set up a page in my Gallery for Globular Star Clusters. Most images are posted at a fixed scale of 14' across. All the classic circumpolar clusters that you can't see in the North are there including NGC104 and NGC362 in Tucana, NGC2808 in Carina, NGC6397 in Ara and NGC6752 in Pavo. And of course ω Centauri. Anyway have a look. I plan to add another dozen, though all the biggest and brightest are done. Incidentally M13 is too far North for me so that is missing from the set.